
Early Years

Learning in Early Years lays the foundation for long term academic success, with our youngest Wellingtonians (from age 2 to 7) being supported and encouraged within inspirational, safe, stimulating and child-focused environments.

In Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception, the children follow the English Early Years Curriculum – the initial focus of which is the child’s personal, social and emotional development, their physical development as well as their communication and language development. Learning is facilitated and enabled by our highly skilled and passionate teachers, further enhanced by the inspiring and purposeful environments that they create. Not only does each classroom in our Early Years enjoy direct, free-flow access to the outdoors; they also link to our unique learning studios where age-appropriate learning opportunities continue. 

The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning. Children feel safe, relaxed and happy in our school, playing, exploring and learning with great enjoyment.

The positive relationships built between teachers and children are essential to success; teachers observe and assess students, facilitating their experiences to ensure all individuals are supported and challenged as required. As a result, our students develop a strong foundational understanding of literacy and mathematics, as well as developing an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the world.

The transition from Early Years to Key Stage One (Years 1 and 2) sees the style of learning develop naturally: whilst the excitement of discovery is undiminished, learning becomes deeper and more focused. We use the National Curriculum for England as our foundation and, through it, develop a broad, rich and exciting Theme based experience. This cross-curricular approach enables students to find connections in their learning, further deepening their understanding as well as enhancing their enjoyment.

In Early Years, the Class Teacher oversees much of the curriculum and provides the excellent pastoral care for which Wellington is justifiably renowned. Specialist teachers generally lead Thai language, Mandarin, Music, swimming lessons and, increasingly, the rest of Physical Education. We encourage every child, right from the start, to develop a passion for learning through deliberate enquiry, critical thinking as well as, of course, creativity.