
University Pathways

As a top academic school, we expect our students go on to the very best in higher education: Oxford, Cambridge, other leading UK universities, top medical and dental schools, pre-eminent art and drama schools, and Ivy League and other outstanding institutions in the USA.

A huge team of specialist university advisers and counsellors, who work across the Wellington College family of schools – here in Bangkok as well as in our top schools in China and, of course, our mother school in England – ensure that every one our students receives expert guidance in all matters of the application process, from choosing courses and universities to writing personal statements.

In Year 12 students participate in full university induction programme and have the opportunity to attend various higher education-focused events.

Wellingtonians will also be supported in their career aspirations by our Careers and Higher Education Department, which will oversee work placements, careers lectures, university fairs, and gap year opportunities. Sixth Formers will have the opportunity to take Centigrade, an interest-based questionnaire administered by Cambridge Occupational Analysts which matches their interests and abilities with Higher Education courses and institutions. Due to the strength of the global Wellington network, we are also able to fit Sixth Formers’ career aspirations with relevant Old Wellingtonians and parents across all sectors, who can offer valuable advice, support and even work experience.

Wellington College, UK has a long and distinguished reputation of supporting students globally in gaining admissions to the best universities in the world, including Oxbridge and Ivy League. Due to close links across the Wellington family of Schools, The Wellington College UK university counselling team, along with the reputation of the School itself, has further ensured that students from all of our international Schools reach their university of choice – wherever in the world they may be or aspire to go to.

Julian Jeffrey, Master at Wellington College International School Tianjin explains this connection -

“I was delighted with the level of support and encouragement applicants (and our staff) received from Wellington College UK colleagues throughout the Oxbridge / Ivy League application season. We were able to pair pupils up with teachers who not only presented a fresh challenge in mock interviews (talking confidently to strangers, adjusting to the varying strategies employed by these interviewers etc), but they also received advice on the pre-interview tests where relevant. In this way, our students were presented with scenarios much more aligned with the reality of the final interviews than they may would have had with an all-Tianjin line-up of interviewers”

Finally, the Wellington Family of Schools takes a very active interest in supporting life for our students throughout their university journey and beyond. One of the ways in which this manifests itself is through our global networking platform – Wellington Connect. Wellington Connect enables students to stay in touch with fellow Wellingtonians, create new connections and benefit from our mentoring programme. Furthermore, Old Wellingtonians gain support from the global Wellington professional network of alumni to enhance their career prospects and take advantage of the exclusive and distinct connection that Wellingtonians have with one another across the world.

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