

At Wellington College International School Bangkok we see Co-Curricular activities (Wellington Extra) as vital for a truly rounded education. These activities provide the children with a wealth of opportunities either to pursue their particular interests further or to have a go at something new.

Through the programme, we aim to build confidence and self-belief whilst cultivating new abilities which may develop into lifelong skills and interests, encouraging our students to take on new challenges – as well as of course offering plenty of opportunity for fun!  

We offer as broad a programme as possible: on the sporting side - there is everything from football and tennis to Muay Thai and gymnastics, while ever-popular options for the more creative-minded are making mosaics, extra art and design technology projects, and dance or drama. Robotics and Lego also remain particularly popular activities amongst our students.

WEX Guide 2023-24

If you have any queries about Wellington Co-Curricular activities or our Weekend Camp programme, please contact us: [email protected]

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