Since school closure we have been able to provide an uninterrupted service for learning. As our community’s familiarity with remote learning has developed we have been able to extend our provision week on week.
Prior to closure:
Teacher training, timetabling and reorganisation of the curriculum to best suit new style of learning. Preparation of learning platforms (Seesaw, Firefly) and training for students and parents. Distribution of resources to allow effective learning to take place at home.
Week one (18 – 20th March):
Video lessons for key curriculum areas and daily welcome video to explain work and timetable to students
- Static tasks set by class teachers (EYFS: Each area of learning, Primary: Maths, English, Theme, Senior: All subjects per usual timetable)
- Tasks for Thai set daily, other specialist subjects set once per week
- Instant feedback on tasks from class teacher
- Zoom trial lesson for whole school
Week 2 (23 – 27th March):
- Video lessons and static tasks continue
- Zoom lesson each morning by class teacher
- Bookable 1 – 1 Zoom for follow up every afternoon
- Zoom lessons as per regular timetable for Year 7
- Feedback within 24 hours from most specialist teachers
- Parent feedback survey
Week 3 (30 – 3rd April):
As above plus:
- Two Zoom lessons each morning (English and Maths) for Key Stage 2.
- Drop in Zoom session for 1 – 1 follow up every afternoon
- Feedback within 24 hours from all specialist teachers
- House competition
- Student feedback survey
Week 4 (21st- 24th April)
As above plus:
- Science, languages and Music Zoom lessons
- Group Zoom lessons in EYFS and KS1
- Seesaw learning platform in PN and Nursery
We were able to upskill all Teachers and ALTs to perform a whole school Zoom test with parents and students on the third day of school closure. A full schedule of Zoom lessons began from Monday 23rd March.
Feedback from students, teachers and parents have identified the following benefits of our remote learning program.
- Independence and resilience. Students (and their parents) are learning that they are capable of tackling challenges and problem solving for themselves. This has been a boost to their self esteem.
- Discipline. Students have an opportunity to practice study habits that they need for future success. We support this in school through Prep lessons but remote learning gives real life application for what we have been developing in school.
- Partnerships. Remote learning has allowed teachers, parents and students to work more closely together than ever before. Although teaching online is different to teaching in school, parents have enjoyed getting to understand what and their children are learning and seeing them make progress in real time.
- Creativity. Teachers and students need to be creative and resourceful in order to make remote learning work. These are important skills for success. It’s also exciting for students to have the opportunity to learn in varied ways and apply what they know.
- Technology. We are needing to engage with a range of platforms at a level and frequency not seen before. Everyone has developed their confidence and skill with a range of technologies that we will no doubt rely on in the future. This has been a perfect opportunity to develop students understanding of respectful and responsible online behaviour.