
Wellington College Bangkok closed from Monday 19th April

Wellington College Bangkok closed from Monday 19th April
Announcement Covid 19

In accordance with guidance from the Ministry of Education, Wellington College Bangkok campus is closed from Monday 19th April.

Throughout this period, we remain dedicated to ensuring that our students are wholeheartedly supported and continue to make excellent progress through our unique Remote Learning provision.

Our Wellington community stands together and support is available, should you need to contact the School during this time. Please call +66 2 087 8888.

We are pleased to be able to continue to welcome prospective families for visits in accordance with our social distancing protocols. If you would like to speak with our admissions team, we would be happy to assist you. Please contact [email protected].

Remote Learning at Wellington College Bangkok

Wellington College provides a distinctive range of additional measures to support all of our parents and students through any extended periods of Remote Learning. This support is not simply financial; it is also more importantly about putting enhanced provision in place.

Financial support

We are committed to supporting parents during possible further periods of Remote Learning, and to providing a consistent policy that is clear to the Wellington community.

  • There will be a 10% Discount, calculated on a daily pro rata basis, on the net tuition fee invoice, applied as a credit to the following term, for any periods of Government-mandated Remote Learning during which the School is closed for more than 15 days in a single term owing to the current Covid-19 pandemic. This is in addition to the 20% Dukes Discount for 5 years, supporting parents with a total of 30% off headline tuition fees.

  • We will, of course, also continue to give full rebates for meals, transport, and Wellington Extra paid activities for any periods of campus closure.

Practical Assistance for Families

If we are unlucky enough to have to return to Remote Learning, we commit to providing:

  • A programme of practical support for parents and children – How to Get the Most out of Remote Learning.  This will leverage the knowledge and skills of the members of our own staff who have had to deal with Remote Learning themselves, while still working full-time, and draw on recent research into what works.

Community Use of Facilities

We plan to open up our amazing campus to our community for use out of school hours. School events (sports fixtures etc) still have absolute priority, of course, but we will be making tennis courts, pools, and the Fitness Suite available for use by our families at weekends and other times, on a booking system, as soon as we are able to do so.

Social Development: Trips and Residentials

The absence of trips has been a particularly disappointing aspect of Covid-era schooling. Once it is safe to do so, we will be re-starting our programme of trips with renewed focus.

Residentials are of particular importance when it comes to social learning and development. This will be taken into account and emphasised in our planning.

Social Development: Performance Opportunities

Again, in order to regain some of the social elements of learning that may have been lost during the Remote period, we will be increasing opportunities for students to engage in performance, dramatic as well as musical, as soon as we are able to do so.

Physical and Intellectual

Our teachers and curriculum are professional and flexible enough to be able to cope with the imbalance that can result from extended periods of Remote Learning. Nevertheless, we commit to providing:

  • Focused, individualized catch-up ‘gap-filling’ assessment and mentoring across the curriculum for as long as it is needed.

  • Significant strengthening of our EAL (English as an Additional Language) provision, particularly in older year groups.

  • Fitness focus: a carefully-designed post-Remote campaign prioritising physical and mental health.

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Wellington College Bangkok closed from Monday 19th April