
Welcome back to Wellington for another inspiring year of learning

Welcome back to Wellington for another inspiring year of learning
Welcome Back

School girl on first day back of term in classroomStudents on first day back at Wellington College Bangkok

Early this morning, the rain quickly departed, making way for a beautiful rainbow in the sky – an appropriate backdrop for the dawn of a new academic year here at Wellington. Our students showed their enthusiasm and eagerness to commence their learning as they arrived through the school entrance, stopping for photos to savour the occasion.

Students were reminded of the pandemic prevention measures in place across Wellington and were then able to settle into their surroundings. Senior School received a special assembly to mark the beginning of the new year and later enjoyed team building in the Drama studio with Mr Burkill, which was a great opportunity for students to get to know their fellow classmates. Our younger students showed great independence as they said goodbye to their parents at the school entrance and were guided to class by their teachers.

Mrs Jeffs, Head of Junior School commented “It was fantastic to see our students coming into school with such excitement and enthusiasm, ready for the start of what will be another inspiring year of learning here at Wellington. I would like to say a huge thank you to our parents and children for the warm welcome my family and I have received, and I look forward to meeting more of our families in the coming weeks”.

We can all agree, it is great to have our students back at school, and we cannot wait for all the incredible learning opportunities they will have this year.

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Welcome back to Wellington for another inspiring year of learning