
Buddhist And Signage Anointing Ceremony

Buddhist And Signage Anointing Ceremony

Buddhist And Signage Anointing Ceremony For Wellington College International School Bangkok. 

Somdej Phra Wannarat, Abbot of Wat Bowonniwet Vihara, presided over the Buddhist and Signage Anointing Ceremony for Wellington College International School Bangkok’s newly constructed campus. Present at the ceremony were Dr Darika Lathapipat, Chairman of the Board of Governors, Shareholders, WCIB leadership team and staff at the Ground Floor, Junior School Shared Learning Space.

Wellington College Bangkok Dr. Darika Lathapipat, Chairman of the Board of Govenors, Shareholders, WCIB leadership team and staff in front of Wellington College sign during signage anointing ceremony.

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Buddhist And Signage Anointing Ceremony