On the morning of Saturday, 15-September 2018, we held the Official Inauguration and Grand Opening of Wellington College International School Bangkok (WCIB) and our new campus in Krungthep Kreetha area of Eastern Bangkok.
The Grand Opening ceremony was led by Dr. Darika Lathapipat, Chairman of the Board of Governors of WCIB, and attended by H.E. Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva, former Prime Minister of Thailand, Dr Teerakiat Jareonsettasin, Minister of Education for Thailand, H.E. Mr. Brian Davidson, the British Ambassador to Thailand, Mr. Edward Chaplin, Board of Governors of Wellington College UK and Chairman of Wellington’s International Board, Mr. Julian Thomas, Master of Wellington College UK, and Mr. Christopher Nicholls, Founding Master of Wellington College International School Bangkok.
Among our VIP guests, we were very pleased to see so many of our WCIB families in attendance, and the feedback from the delegation from Wellington College schools in UK and China were extremely positive and encouraging. Every one of the speeches delivered by our guests of honour were inspirational and insightful, and the audience enjoyed a heartwarming musical performance of “I Would Light a Candle” by a choir of Wellington College Bangkok students.
WCIB is the ninth school in the Wellington College family and will benefit from strong partnership and collaboration with Wellington College UK, as well as with Wellington College schools in Tianjin, Shanghai, and Hangzhou.