
Ensuring Happiness and Success at Senior School for our emerging Year 7 Students

Ensuring Happiness and Success at Senior School for our emerging Year 7 Students
Whole School

The process of moving up from one year group to the next is an incredibly important aspect of supporting children in preparing for the new adventures and challenges that they will face as they move to new parts of the School. It supports their wellbeing as they become familiar with elements of their new school life. We share the exciting changes gradually in a controlled way. The children will be ready – they are never shocked or surprised by what’s ahead. Teachers, parents and peers are all part of the process.

Transition opportunities happen between all year groups with children having the chance to meet their new teachers and experience new environments throughout the Summer term. This then helps them to settle more quickly into these new year groups at the start of the following academic year. Teachers also pass on key information about students to ensure that their educational journey is seamless. Their new teachers will know about them as individuals, their likes and dislikes as well as the vital academic data.

Particular focus is placed on the journey from to Reception to Year 1 as well as that from Year 6 to 7 as these are times when children will face greater changes in their routines and ways of learning.

The transition from Junior School to Senior School is arguably the most vital that any student faces. They may have spent 9 years from Pre Nursery to Year 6 in the same building. Here at Wellington College Bangkok, the recent opening of our remarkable new Senior School building offers our current Year 6 an amazing opportunity. They will gain access to incredible learning spaces, carefully guided by subject specialist teachers – many who they already know from their Junior School curriculum. The classes moving up in August 2022 are very special!

Great excitement and anticipation in building in Year 6 presently as they have been attending lessons in Senior School classrooms, gaining familiarity with this new environment and working on a 2-day STEAM orientated project. Year 6 have also been able to meet with current Year 7 students to find out for themselves what Senior School life will be like when they join in August, as well as experience lunch in the relaxing Senior School restaurant.

Current Year 6, Thomas said “I have really enjoyed going to Science lessons in the Senior School this week. We got to learn about the Law of Reflection using laser beams to hit a target. I am really looking forward to moving up to Senior School in August as the facilities are so new and amazing”.

Head of Senior School, Dr Jim Panton commented, “taking the time to really get to know our incoming Year 7 students ensures that we have a comprehensive understanding of each and every individual coming into Senior School. It is fantastic to see the enthusiasm and maturity of the Year 6 students as they ready for this next exciting chapter in their lives here at Wellington”.

Another key transition between year groups happens in Junior School from Reception to Year 1. Again, the principles are very much the same – to ensure familiarity and reassurance so that our younger learners arrive at the start of Term 1 happy and excited for their new school year.

Year 1 teachers having been taking time to get to know the incoming Year 1 students, joining current Reception students for Story Time, enabling them to enjoy lunch in the Junior School Dining Room. Reception children have also had the chance to play on the Junior School climbing frame, explore the play areas and have accessed continuous provision opportunities within Year 1 spaces.

Our dream as a growing school is that every student embraces the process of change. We want our students to look forward to what comes next in the very special Wellington College learning journey.  We also want our parents to understand the process and to be able to answer questions at home and support and prepare the children. Information sessions, curriculum information and welcoming teachers are just some of the ways we can help.

Whether stepping up in Junior School or moving to our Senior School building, at Wellington, our teachers work incredibly hard to ensure student happiness and confidence. Children and parents alike - let us hold your hand and help you succeed.






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Ensuring Happiness and Success at Senior School for our emerging Year 7 Students