
Introducing another Academic Year – Staff Induction Training – August 2022

Introducing another Academic Year – Staff Induction Training – August 2022
Thought Leadership Whole School

When you ask most parents what makes Wellington College International School Bangkok special, the answer is always “the teachers.” We absolutely agree – our staff are all incredible.

We recruit the best teachers from around the world. We ensure that they are highly qualified and experienced in the British curriculum. Most of our teachers have not only taught in the UK – they have also taught internationally. They understand what it means to teach children well, and to teach children who may not be native English speakers. They bring their wealth of experience with them for the benefit of each and every Wellington student – whatever their age.

To keep our staff up to date and to keep the teaching the best that it could possibly be – we have a comprehensive and ongoing professional development programme in place. Every year this starts with a fantastic Induction Session which introduces new staff to our ethos and reinforces what returning teachers already know.

Master, Chris Nicholls, opened our Staff Induction Week with a message which focused on “We are all excellent teachers. We all want the best for EVERY child.” His message was one of inclusion, of motivation, of differentiation.

Chris believes that we are the best school in Bangkok and that we can be even better. Our values and our virtues are encompassed in everything that we do. He urged us all to embrace –

· Respect

· Integrity

· Courage

· Kindness

· Responsibility

Every member of the community will help ensure the best for each and every child – teachers, support staff, leaders, parents, grandparents, siblings, friends – and every community member.

The message in our school is always “we all have a lot to say, and we all have a lot to hear. Keep listening."

After the initial session all our teachers went on to a comprehensive training programme so that they were completely prepared for Day 1. They updated their professional skills and discussed pastoral issues. They worked with each other and addressed ways to make our days more efficient. They met new colleagues and built new relationships.

It’s going to be an amazing year ahead for all our teachers. To find out more about our staff –

· Check out the Staff Biographies on this site

· Talk to our teachers and our specialists

· Follow us on social media for daily updates

· Arrange a meeting with our Master or our Head of Senior School and Head of Junior School

· Talk to Marketing or Admissions for more details on our teaching and learning, our staff, and our students

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Introducing another Academic Year – Staff Induction Training – August 2022