
Stars of Wellington 24 March

Stars of Wellington 24 March
Awards Whole School

It’s Friday, and that means another installment of our Stars of Wellington – celebrating students and their amazing endeavours outside of School.

We have a fantastic selection for you this week, starting with TinTin in Junior School and his achievements at the Inex One Minute Robotic Games 2023. Making his debut in the event, TinTin finished second runner up (Junior Class, 8-13 years old) which is tremendous result, especially since he was the youngest player in the competition! Well done, TinTin!

In Chess, we bring you news of Wish's award received from the Chess Without Border 3 Tournament 2023 at AISB last Saturday. This tournament is held annually which brings together hundreds of talented chess players from more than 15 different international schools in Bangkok. It was Wish's first time joining this seven-round tournament in which he won a gold medal award for U12 Boys (Third Runner-up award).  Congratulations, Wish, you should feel very proud of yourself!

In Music, ccongratulations goes to Neya (Y10) who has been working incredibly hard on the competition circuit, coming away with the following awards:

  • First Prize and the Highest Score from the Asia Students Art Festival (ASAF), both at the Thai and Asian levels.
  • First Prize of the RSL Music Competition and Second Prize with the Highest Score at the International Lanna Music Festival

Well done, Neya, a fantastic set of results!

And finally, in Tennis, we bring news of Jackfruit winning two recent championship tournaments. Firstly, coming away as the tournament winner at the recent FOBISIA competition, then, coming in first place at the PTT- Lawn Tennis Skills Development North Tournament #2 at Phrae in Boys Under 12. Congratulations Jackfruit, what a brilliant season you are having!

And that’s it for this week! Please continue to share your stories by sending them to [email protected]. We read every story that is sent in and we publish a selection here.


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Stars of Wellington 24 March