
Student Voice Supports Healthy Food Choices

Student Voice Supports Healthy Food Choices
Wellington Campus Whole School

Since opening in 2018, Wellington College Bangkok has worked in partnership with Epicure, the leading school caterers in Bangkok, to provide daily meals and snacks for our students and staff. Epicure is heavily invested in making food at Wellington a significant success and also operates both the Cafés at the School.

Epicure has a reputation for providing well-balanced and healthy meals that contribute to students’ intellectual and physical development, through offering an extensive menu with wide choices and different cuisines including Western, Asian, vegetarian, and special dietary requirements. Epicure provides a balanced offering, taking into account the five food groups: fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy products, and grains and cereals, all designed to ensure that student’s energy levels are maintained throughout the school day. Healthy cooking methods are used to control portion sizes, according to the needs of each student age group, and to limit processed and high fat/sugar content foods.

Jason Dinsdale, the Chief Operating Officer of Epicure, notes the importance of working with ethical partners in the production of nutritious meals:

‘We only work with approved suppliers that can demonstrate the correct food safety and hygiene standards, with all high-risk produce delivered in temperature-controlled vehicles. We are proud that all ingredients are locally sourced, which supports our goal of reducing our carbon footprint’.

Peter Church, Bursar of Wellington College Bangkok, who quality controls the performance of Epicure, is delighted that the School has created new Student Food Committees for both Junior and Senior to provide feedback to the Epicure team:

‘Having managed every conceivable food operation during my career, from fine-dining restaurants to fast-food outlets, and from university campus food businesses to boarding schools, I appreciate that it is virtually impossible to meet every expectation in every meal, as food can be very subjective and down to personal taste. However, by engaging the student voice at Wellington, we hope to build on what we currently do well, and provide even more nutritious, tasty, and varied food options for our students in Bangkok.’

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Student Voice Supports Healthy Food Choices