
Your Morning Coffee Just Got Better!

Your Morning Coffee Just Got Better!
Whole School Wellington Campus

We are delighted to be open to our parents again! We are very happy to see so many in School at Drop-Off and Pick-Up and want to make these times special and relaxing. We have established Copenhagen Café in the Junior School Lobby and 1815 in the Senior School Lobby as places to relax and chat and enjoy a coffee during your busy day. And our coffee just got a lot better – as we found out on Tuesday 6 September when Dale Lee, Co-Founder of CoffeeWORKS organized a Coffee Morning and demonstration for our community.

CoffeeWORKS is a leading coffee roaster and commercial coffee equipment provider. They supply hundreds of outlets throughout Thailand with their specialist blends both imported and sourced from the Northern provinces including Chiang Mai

Dale and his barista team set up Copenhagen with several new options and samples. Parents enjoyed our new US West Coast Blend which will become our daily coffee for Latte, Cappuccino, Americano and more. Inspired from the blending and roasting style of the 1970s US West Coast this blend captures a sweet, balanced, dark chocolatey character that is famously craft roasted throughout the Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay area coffee roasters.

Parents were also able to sample different Thai Specialty Roasts as hand-poured filter coffees. These included –

· Doi SaKet

· Om Koi

· Huai Hom

We offered snacks and pastries to support this event and teachers, parents and visitors chatted and gave their feedback to the team. Dale told us “We are very happy to supply Wellington College Bangkok and it’s our privilege to be here today and meet the parents, the teachers, our customers. I am very happy to have any feedback and we really hope you enjoy the coffee today and every day!”

Dale also explained the investment that CoffeeWORKS have made into supporting Indigenous tribes in Thailand. They fund and support Ahka and Karen ethnic communities, helping them navigate the supply chain, teaching them natural techniques in green coffee production and much more. There is a focus on quality, on niche brands and flavours rather than mass production. This benefits all stages of the process – and all involved, especially the farmers and their families.

Here in School, we are all excited about the new range on offer in our cafes. Our opening hours are 07.00 – 17.00. Stop by and try!

If you would like to find out more about CoffeeWORKS they will host a booth at the upcoming Food & Hospitality Thailand Trade Show at the newly refurbished Queen Sirikit Convention Center on September 21 to 24. You can also talk to our Epicure team.

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Your Morning Coffee Just Got Better!